Treating the body from inside and out, North Green Chiropractic & Physical Medicine is a premier resource for your general health. Led by Dr. Ryan Staples and backed up by a dedicated and experienced support staff, North Green specializes in chiropractic care, sports medicine, pain management, orthopedics, physical therapy and a wide range of other services that help patients manage, or get rid of, chronic pain.
North Green bucks the trends of typical chiropractors — Dr. Staples and his staff strive to provide each patient with relief quickly and efficiently. They don’t require a long list of return visits for adjustments and slow, underwhelming results.
Through a holistic approach, Dr. Staples and his team are able to effectively treat patients that might be facing:
Chronic pain anywhere throughout the body
Numbness or tingling (which, suggest nerve compression)
Migraines and headaches
Sports injuries
Nerve damage
And more
You simply will not find a more caring and nurturing environment than at North Green Chiropractic & Physical Medicine. Plus, our comprehensive approach includes such components as a slimming studio for weight loss, a medical doctor who provides laser treatments, a pain modality specialist and a counselor — all the knowledge and resources to find and eliminate your chronic pain.
Dr. Staples and his team are currently accepting new patients.

Dr. Ryan Staples
Dr. Ryan Staples is the leading force behind North Green Chiropractic & Physical Medicine, where he puts to good use his extensive background in both business and general medicine.
The work that Dr. Staples and his staff perform is not just theory for him — it’s this sort of holistic treatment that helped him recover from a devastating instance when he was younger.
At the age of 16, Dr. Staples was involved in an auto accident that proved fatal for one of his friends that was also in the car. Dr. Staples was able to escape, but not without chronic and serious pain in addition to migraines.
Back then, a chiropractor was able to effectively help him manage and eliminate that chronic pain — Dr. Staples will tell you this instance was what set him on the path to eventually establish North Green Chiropractic & Physical Medicine many years later.
With a business degree in human resources from Washington State University, Dr. Staples pursued a pre-chiropractic degree at Arizona State University and a full chiropractic discipline at the University Western States (Oregon).
Dr. Staples brings a fresh, innovative approach to physical medicine. He strives for quick, effective forms of pain relief — he doesn’t spread out treatment over several months. That’s why quick relief via holistic means can be found readily at North Green Chiropractic & Physical Medicine.